Order Now!
We strive to deliver a sign within 24 to 48 hours of receiving your order.
You may also order in advance and then contact us after the birth with the details (baby name, length, weight, and birthday) for the bundle and to schedule your delivery.
You can either order online below or call us at 201-233-3742 or email us at Caroldell621@aol.com .
Grandparent Stork Sign Rental
If a grandparents’ sign is ordered at the same time as the sign for the new parents the rental price is discounted to $125.00*.
The Grandparents’ bundle is generic (“It’s a Grandson” or “It’s a Granddaughter”) and is not a keepsake.
If the grandparents prefer a custom or keepsake bundle (as shown in the photo above) or if a stork for the new parents is not included with this rental, please order a Stork from .....
$125* Includes: 7 day rental, delivery, set up and removal of a 6ft tall stork with a generic bundle that is not a keepsake.
*Prices are subject to change without notice.